"A Day In The Life" | Student Voice News
This was one of my favorite experiences as a writer for the Student Voice News Media at Moorpark College. As the Editor-in-Chief of the district newspaper, I was given the creative ability and space to work openly with my staff and to highlight human interests stories as well.
I thought it would be an incredible experience to work as a day laborer in an agricultural field as a strawberry picker and I have to say, it was incredibly difficult. Still, what I learned on that day was more meaningful than any other experience.
I have deep respect to those that have the strength, both mental and physical, to work in the fields and as day laborers to earn a living for themselves and for their families. This was truly a humbling experience, one that I will never forget.
For the full story, please click on the link below.
Original Post: http://www.studentvoiceonline.com/102382/uncategorized/a-day-in-the-life-doing-the-job-no-one-wants-to-do/